拍了20多年的三峡,从胶片到数码到现在的AI,从传统的记录到主观的纪实,到观念的表达,三峡一直是我的元点,我借三峡在行走,在表达,关注人类与土地与家园与精神的话题。如今我选择Ai,依然“在三峡”,我用AI回忆我走过的三峡,补救我没有拍到过的场景,甚至我的梦境。也穿越到100年前,让自己置身于那个原始的三峡,让我那个时候也“在三峡”。同时我也可以大胆预想未来的三峡是什么模样。太神奇了,有了AI,我可以让我的三峡之旅永远在路上,昨晚我梦见我变成了夔州古城的少年纤夫,而是今天我上路了,穿越了,我变成了1910年时,三峡夔州码头木船上的少年纤夫“小黎”。摄影可以记录今天,成为昨天,期待明天。但AI可以重现昨天,预设明天。 于是一个个回忆,一个个念想都被激活,有了AI,有了我前20年与三峡的相遇与了解,我一直“在三峡”!

"In the Three Gorges"
Photography is an encounter, and when the post-Three Gorges era arrived, I happened to meet and be part of it. So, I traversed the Three Gorges, constantly on the road, searching for home. The Great changes in the Three Gorges are not only changes in the natural landscape, but also complex changes in the way of life and emotions of the local residents. This absurd and confusing post-Three Gorges is also a microcosm of current human development. In addition, we are all "immigrants" who constantly leave our native land and search for a new home everywhere. Everyone has a self that has been banished by modernization, and recording them is also recording ourselves as human beings!
I have been shooting the Three Gorges for over 20 years, from film to digital to now AI. From traditional recording to subjective documentary to conceptual expression, the Three Gorges has always been my starting point. I use the Three Gorges as a means of expression, focusing on topics such as human beings and the land and home and spirit. Now that I have chosen AI, I am still "in the Three Gorges". I use AI to recall the Three Gorges that I have visited, to salvage scenes that I have not captured, and even my dreams. I can also travel back 100 years and immerse myself in the primitive Three Gorges. I can boldly imagine what the future of the Three Gorges will look like. It's amazing that with AI, I can make my journey to the Three Gorges forever on the road. Last night I dreamed that I became a teenage boatman in Kui Zhou ancient city, but today I set out on a journey and traveled through time. I became "Xiao Li", a teenage boatman on a wooden boat at the Kui Zhou dock in the Three Gorges in 1910. Photography can record today, become yesterday, and look forward to tomorrow. But AI can reproduce yesterday,Predict tomorrow. As a result, memories and desires are activated one after another. With AI and my previous encounter and understanding of the Three Gorges over the past 20 years, I have been "in the Three Gorges"!